Friday, November 9, 2018

Research Shelter Charity

Shelter Charity Website

What They Do:
Shelter helps millions of people in England, Scotland and Wales each year with homelessness or bad housing. They offer one to one service to give personalised  help, online help, legal support and they have a national helpline.

The Layout: 
Shelter's homepage is quite simple, it has the conventional navigation and search bar which makes it clear, easy to use and accessible to a wide range of people. There is a minimalist colour scheme with splashes of red to highlight their logo and their volunteers further emphasised by the contrast with light coloured background. The donation button placed right next to the search bar adds another dimension of colour which makes it obvious to the visitor where they can donate. There is a donation button at the bottom of the page in the same colour, giving the layout an organised and finished look.  

The graphology of the homepage is very well thought out as it plants the idea that if you can't afford to donate, you can help raise funds; this is suggested by the two young women on the right side of the page dressed in a red to match the logo, their clothing even gives information on what they did to help create funds. Furthermore, the fact the fundraisers look the age of university students targets young people who don't have much money and informs them that they can make a difference through volunteering and fundraising. The image also links to the text stationed off centre over a white translucent box stating "Join us for Vertical Rush 2019" which clarifies that they don't just need donations but volunteers too to help raise money.

Their Mission Statement:

They want:

  • Rights for renters and an end to discrimination.
  • To build more social housing.
  • To support the people who are struggling

1 comment:

  1. A good post - i think you could and should add more in on their brand identity and the use of red. Well done though.
