Monday, December 17, 2018

Photoshoot Images

Photoshoot Images

1st Best
I feel this is my best photo as the lighting is very flattering and accentuates her facial features well. The close up is focused well and draws attention to her eyes which are looking into the camera, following a key magazine convention. The soft simile brings a sense of innocence to the image and sets a calm, happy atmosphere. The colour scheme definitely brings Christmas into it making it perfect for a special Christmas edition magazine. However, to improve I could have zoomed out slightly so it could be used as a from cover and ensured the hair was neater.
2nd Best

I like this image as I feel the positioning is quite nice and would make or a good from cover. The lighting is natural and highlights the girls facial features well, to improve here I would have had ensured all the models were wearing subtle highlight to produce a glowing effect. The 3 different levels creates a nice intimate effect which worked well with the Christmas theme. To improve again, I would have given all the models a hat and asked them to all wear the deep red top. Furthermore, the positioning of the hand in the photo could also be more relaxed.

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