Monday, September 16, 2019

Masthead Research

I need to work out how my masthead is going to follow enough conventions to be recognised as a entertainment- fashion lifestyle magazine yet still stand out and be original, like Hall's repetition and difference theory.


Straight away from looking at the mastheads, red and pink are used often so I will avoid using them colours. To me, the mastheads that stand out the most are ELLE, GQ and Esquire as they are clear with interesting colours that stand out. There is actually quite a range of fonts used across the magazines however, a bold san-serif font is more popular which personally I'm not a huge fan of; I like look of ELLE, LOOK and Esquire so i think a serif font would be great for my magazine. A convention of these magazines is a mixed use of caps and lower case latter in the mast head which I also prefer to fully caps for fully lower case. 

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